Sunday, December 02, 2007

IRS endorses the right to keep and bear arms

What is interesting is that on Info Sheet 4 they write,

The musket hung over the fireplace once stood for security in American homes. It meant game for the pot. It gave protection against unfriendly beasts and Indians. It was a first defense against hunger and danger in the new land.

Probably no families in the world ever have been as self-reliant as the Americans who wielded their muskets in the Colonies and on the frontier. They literally made their own living, for a family had little or nothing except what their members could do and make. A large family was an advantage, since then there were many hands to plant and weed and harvest, to chop wood, to carpenter, to spin and dye and weave, cook and sew.

Is this politically incorrect or what, “Protection against unfriendly beasts and Indians?” The Cherokee Nation was friendly. They even bent over backwards to live with us, in their lands. Yes, some Indians were unfriendly, but there were just as many “white” men who were dangerous and unfriendly.

However, a more important statement is “The musket hung over the fireplace once stood for security in American homes. It meant game for the pot. It gave protection against unfriendly beasts and Indians. It was a first defense against hunger and danger in the new land.” Does this suggest the second amendment was written with the full intention of authorizing the right of the people to keep and bear arms? This is a government published educational document on the IRS web site.


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