Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Mark Souder's Says Social Security is a "Shell Game."

Mark Souder spoke to Prime Time 39 on 3-12-2004 and referred to Social Security as a "shell game."

He stated, "For people under 30 its probably going to be income based. I am not saying we're going to pass that. It will probably be passed after I am dead."

He continued "If you're 40, you might make it through the system. But if you're under 40, and certainly under 30, you had better start planning because if you want to have a decent retirement you’re going to need supplemental funds."

Mark supports Social Security Savings Accounts. Tax-free savings is an oxymoron. We have a $8.5Trillion national debt and ran a $725Billion deficit in 2005. This is no different than you borrowing money to pay for retirement. Tax credits reduce federal income taxes; increasing the deficit.


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