Elect Larsen to solve problems of nation, state
Both the Journal Gazatte and News Sentinel had an editorial in my support.
What does a World War II memorial of vehicles used during that war and a highway named for Ronald Reagan do for the future of Indiana?
I am also in the dark regarding lighthouses. Time and money spent on frivolous items are an insult to the hard-working voters of this state.
The voters of the 3rd District should wake up and vote for someone who knows what they are talking about, someone who understands numbers, someone who is not running for office for his own personal glory or gain, someone who is honest, trustworthy and concerned for future generations and the future of this nation. Someone is needed who will not sugar-coat the facts and sidestep issues just because they are not popular, someone who will do what he says he will do and not “change his mind because of redistricting.” That someone is William Larsen.
This nation faces many problems, Larsen is a problem-solver of long standing. He lives in the real world where people are laid off and have families to support.
Cast a vote for your country and for Larsen for U.S. Congress.
Fort Wayne
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