Thursday, May 25, 2006

Medicare Meeting

The United Senior Actin of Northeast Indiana is sponsoring a town hall meeting to explain changes to Medicare on June 8, 2006 at the League for the Blind & Disabled, 5812 South Anthony Blvd. Registration begins at 9:30 am. Mark Souder and Tom Hayhurst are invited guests.

I do not know if they guests will show up. I believe Tom Hayhurst will make an effort to be there if at all possible.

I urge any young person to attend as well. On May 1, 2006 the Medicare trustee's stated the financial condition had worsened by two years. Simply put Medicare without changes will not be able to pay covered projected costs after 2018.

Since I am 50, I want to ask Souder why I should continue to pay Medicare taxes for a program that is projected to be unable to pay my benefits? I certainly do not want to pay more in taxes for the same lousy benefit.

The Rx drug program may have been well intended, but well intentions do not pay the bills. The initial estimate of $400 Billion over the first ten years has ballooned to over $850 Billion as of last month and could top $1 Trillion. It is immoral and un-American to borrow money, reap the benefits and pass the bill onto our children.


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