Monday, December 03, 2007

Beware of Property Tax Reform

The paper reported "Daniel’s also wants the state to pick up the costs of schools' general funds, school transportation and child welfare and supports limiting local spending growth to the six-year average growth of personal income." We should think hard about this particular proposal. Those who live outside a school district such as Fort Wayne Community Schools, which for the most part failed to adequately maintain its facilities by keeping taxes lower than they should have has created a huge liability. Under Daniel’s proposal, the state would pick up this liability. This means those who live in school districts that property funded their school systems will end up subsidizing those that did not.

Currently those who live in a school district fund that school district's budget. It has provided local control over spending for decades. If Daniel’s proposal passes, then who do you protest, certainly not your local school board. The school board will be like anyone else at the trough, bring your fair share back to the school district.

Daniel’s Proposal removes accountability from the local area and places more power at the state level.


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