Sunday, May 02, 2010

Senate Candidate Stutzman

I have some major issues with Senate Candidate Stutzman. He writes "I would never support a federal bailout of private business" but is he really?

  • I support expanding free market solutions such as Health Savings Accounts to include all citizens, increasing tax credits for businesses that provide healthcare, and comprehensive tort reform that will lead to increased access to health care and a decrease in premiums and overall cost.
  • I support expanding free market solutions such as Health Savings Accounts to include all citizens, increasing tax credits for businesses that provide healthcare, and comprehensive tort reform that will lead to increased access to health care and a decrease in premiums and overall cost.
I am all for cutting spending and bailouts, but providing a tax credit for a particular entity is a bailout. It is bailing out a company or simply subsidizing a companies costs. Ethanol is not economically viable and artificially prices energy far cheaper than reality. Providing tax credits for Health Savings Accounts will decrease federal tax revenues, adding to deficits and the national debt. We as Americans all face Healthcare costs. We all need to take care of our own healthcare costs. Providing tax credits is not the way to do it. So my question to Marlin is; "are you truly against bailouts?"

If you are truly free enterprise, you simply let the market price energy, healthcare and governments only role should be to keep it fair. In the case of Medicare and Medicaid, why should they be allowed to pay pennies on the dollar for services that everyone else pays full price for? This is like China dumping products in the US below cost. The only problem with this is the rest of us pay through cost shifting, a government slight of hand.

I like the rest of Stutzman's plat form, but the big problem I have is his ability to diferentitiate between tax credits, incentives and bailouts.


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